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BioRePeel (Face + Neck) 3 peel series

Medium Peel (No Downtime)

  • 1 hour
  • 700 US dollars
  • California 111

Service Description

This series will require immediate payment after booking and all three peels will need to be performed within 8 weeks for best results. What is BioRePeel? BioRePeel Developed by CMed Aesthetics (Italy) is an innovative peel treatment, using 2-phase technology that taps into the power of bio-stimulation, revitalization, and peeling substances to rejuvenate the skin. It adopts a unique, non-invasive approach aimed at addressing a myriad of skin concerns, ranging from acne and enlarged pores to signs of ageing and uneven skin texture. This treatment delivers a strategic combination of active ingredients to stimulate skin cells, promote exfoliation, boost hydration, and enhance collagen production. The outcome is a revitalized complexion, reflecting the holistic wellness of your skin. The Traditional Chemical Peel Chemical peels are dermatological procedures designed to rejuvenate the skin by facilitating the shedding of damaged surface layers. They employ a solution of acid-based chemicals that, when applied to the skin, stimulate the exfoliation process, effectively peeling away layers of dead skin cells. The result is a revelation of newer, healthier skin layers beneath. Chemical peels can address a multitude of skin concerns, including signs of ageing, sun damage, acne, and uneven skin texture. They come in varying intensities - light, medium, and deep - each offering a different degree of skin penetration and subsequent recovery time. The Science behind BioRePeel Ingredients and their Function Unlike traditional chemical peels that primarily rely on the peeling action of their acid components, BioRePeel utilises a unique blend of active ingredients, each playing a critical role in skin rejuvenation. These include trichloroacetic acid (TCA) for improving the texture and appearance of the skin, alpha, beta and poly hydroxy acids for combating acne and skin brightening, and a combination of vitamins, amino acids and GABA for reducing lines and wrinkles and countering the effects of skin ageing by UV radiation and pollution . BioRePeel prevents the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles, and other symptoms of ageing on the skin. In addition to stimulating fibroblasts (cells that maintain tension and firmness), it increases cell turnover and collagen production for long-lasting effects.

Cancellation Policy

Same day cancelation | No show policy First occasion  50% of the treatment will be redeemed   Subsequent occasion 100% of the treatment will be redeemed 

Contact Details

  • Pharaoh Skin, Palm Desert, CA, USA

    + 7604649411

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